Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Microsoft Office 365 and why it will probably fail

Quite possibly one of the most frustrating ideas with today's technology is the idea of subscription based models of payments for computer programs and apps. Recently, I have ben reminded of Microsoft's latest "scam." While we all use Microsoft Office, Microsoft has created a new project called "Microsoft office 365." It is everything you get buying with normal office, but you pay around $100 a year, instead of the simple payment of around $140. 

I believe that when you buy something, you own it. So as one can probably tell already, I don't really like this payment model. What really made me frustrated was the recent release of Microsoft office on IOS devices (iPad, iPhone, etc...). While excited like everyone else with such a device, we were all disappointed when after downloading the app, one discovers that one has to have an office 365 account. (so, pay over $100 a year to have access). Even that I have the entire office 2013 professional suite, I would have to pay for using it, which in my opinion is bollox. Apple's equilavent such as Pages, numbers, etc... are all free, and have full wonderful access to printing, iCloud, etc... Myself and many others believe that Microsoft has once again made a horrible decision in using this pricing model, and I personally believe it should be free access to all. One can make office documents online and on your iDevice VIA OneDrive, so why does one even need this app in the first place? 100% rip-off. 

While the app does look nice, it is a disappointment that no one will be able to use it. 

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Internet Copyright Laws + Conservatives = No Privacy

Many Canadians are not aware of the new Bill S-4 in parliament at the moment, however they should be, as it compromises the most basic internet privacy rights.

National Post Article Here

Personally, it makes me kind of scared that the government can just peek into your internet usage if the bill passes (I don't believe it will). With all of the internet privacy problems recently from the NSA to the "new" Heart Bleed bug, internet privacy is at it's highest risk since being created. While there are the issues of piracy and other crimes, they will still have other means of preforming these crimes. There will always be some crime, its just part of human nature. However, if the bill DOES pass, it will affect only the 99.99% of the population that DOES have a conscious. It is a really scary thought and I believe that the government has a ways to go in finding a properly balanced solution to their problem.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Donating Blood

Quite possibly one of the most easiest, yet most important ways of saving a life here on Earth is donating blood! It only takes a minute and you can save up to 3 lives with one donation!

I remember my first donation, and it was pleasant and easy! Don't be afraid! It's such an amazing experience and is even better with friends like I did!

Check out Canada Blood Donation here:

Monday, 14 April 2014

I Wish I did Sports as a Kid

Hmm, probably one of my greatest regrets of both elementary and High School is not getting involved in sports more.

I've only gotten involved in them within the past year or so, and they have been rather light, such as competitive XC running (I've always been a runner but never ran competitions before). There's so many sports and things I wanted to try as a kid, such as Track and field, Soccer, Hockey, Swimming Biathlon, Skating, Competitive XC Skiing, etc... The list goes on. While I am active in my daily life, and enjoy many sporting and recreational activities, I think that I would have benefited nth physically and mentally from being involved in sports as a kid. I just wish I actually put my foot in the door, and gave it a shot.

Luckily, we humans can learn from our mistakes and continue into the future with a little lesson or two. I'm trying new things all the time now, and can't wait to sign up for some sports with my college next September!!!! (Plus a fun and active summer ahead, going to run a few marathons!).

What Would You Do if the World Ended?

Just to let you know, this article is a little morbid. Stay away if you are in a good mood! ;^)

Recently I read an article on the Huffington post (Article Here) that civilization as we know it is headed for its end. However, this is not the first time humanity has talked about civilizations' demise, and certainly wouldn't be the first time of it actually happening either.

History has shown that civilizations rise and fall with time. They seem to be apart of nature, just like the rising and falling of the Earth's tides. While it may still be decades away, one would (and should) ask, what would you do if the world "ended"?

Many would look at how it ended and react off of that. For example, if it were a zombie apocalypse (as in the hit show and graphic novel, The Walking Dead), they would act accordingly and try to survive. The same goes for more realistic scenarios such as WWIII or worldwide economic devastation.

We may never truly know how we would personally reach until the time comes, yet it is a good reminder to live your life to the fullest. No matter what happens, you mean the world to someone, and are the father, mother, brother,  and/or friend to many amazing people. Do what makes you happy, and follow your heart. The world ending is overrated anyways! ;^)

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Starting my own Company... Coming soon!

Part of my Program Aviation Management are 3 semester long coops. For my first one this upcoming summer (April-September) I am starting my own business! I am very excited to venture into following my passions and sharing my gifts with others.

While it is still in Mid-late stages of planning, I will not be sharing any significant details as of yet, however, I am excited to do so when I do! Stay tuned!


Divergent - Film Review

Very often, we see movies before we read the books. This was reversed when I read the Harry Potter series, as I read all of the books THEN watched the films as I grew up. When I ventured into seeing the movie Divergent by myself one late winter night (this was around a month ago - old story) I wasn't too sure what to expect, due to me seeing the movie before the novel.

Please note - I kept spoilers at a minimum today for your sake, just go see this movie!

One of the many posters. Used from Summit (Owners).

After seeing the film in all of it's post-apocalyptic/future glory, I now understand why A) People see movies sometimes before reading the novel, and B) Why Divergent is so successful as a film AND novel.

I really, really enjoyed the film. As a 19 year-old, I had a lot in common with the main protagonist, who was going through a some-what identify crisis, and is eventually literally thrusted out of her home into a new life of adulthood and humanity. The film works on many unique and interesting ideas of humanity, while maintaining an atmosphere both pleasing to the viewer, and keeps them on their toes. I felt a real connection to the actress Shailen Woodley (Main character). She continues her journey through life, unsure, yet wants to keep going forward. Honestly, she's VERY good looking, but she did an excellent job acting as well. The audience really connects with her character and I can feel the connection with her character and the events in the story.

Overall, I highly recommend the movie, and LOVED Shailen in the film. I am excited to read the book now due to me having the connection with the characters, and having an easier visualization of the world. Sometimes, this can damage a connection with a book, but in this case, I think it is going to assist due to the movie being so well thought-out and done. Overall, I feel a 9/10 for this film *personally!