I have finally decided to make the jump and get rid of Windows 7 on my old laptop. While still "trialing" different versions of Linux, I am already confident that Linux is a "million" times better than its windows counterpart.
I am trying Ubuntu, a Linux platform that is one of the most popular in the world. Running faster, with smarter coding and a smoother workflow, Ubuntu is a remarkable step up from a windows 7 system. While I love Linux, I am actually installing it beside windows due to the sole fact that programs such as Adobe or Office will not work with Linux, so I can choose which operating system I boot with when I turn on my computer.
I am excited to see it fully installed, and along with the many exciting features that come along with it, such as no viruses, and more customization.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Monday, 27 May 2013
The new Xbox is definatly NOT the One (opinion)
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The "Box-O-Doom" |
"Xbox, go home." That is all I can say to a system and corporation that did a "less-than-par" presentation. While E3 (The ultimate annual gaming convention based in California where all the major names in gaming show off their latest tech) is still only a few weeks away, the new "Xbox One" promised to be a next-gen super console, but wound up being a "blob" of Microsoft operating systems.
I am very bias when it comes to Microsoft. I really do not like how they create their very, very expensive operating systems and them try to get even MORE money out of the consumer by not providing everything, such as office (which is now a paid subscription) But Microsoft codes things so they can look nice, but take up a lot of space. With three operating systems running at the same time, I can see a lot of errors and processing power being used unnecessary.
Its just the way Microsoft does things, plus with Kinect, its VERY scary. The user HAS to have Kinect connected at all times. This means, someone can hack into your living room and listen / see you any time of the day, not to mention the implications from big brother.
I really plan of staying away from the new Xbox One (Which is not the "One" box you are going to have, due to you still needing your cable box, your satellite box and your old 360 (its not backwards compatible))
For the moment, I believe the PS4 is defiantly the future for console gaming, for both the Wii U and Xbox one are both falling behind on both their own legacies, as well as gamers.
Put your thoughts in the comments bellow, people!
Thursday, 23 May 2013
What is the government doing?! More on the ACGP / Power pilot problems from Harper
Just a quick update: A recent document that appeared on the "Save Air Cadet Gliding" web site revealed e-mails between cadets and officers. According to the Officer staff, this year, the program will be experimenting with giving 5 cadets per flight center their "recreational pilot permit" instead of giving them their full fledged private pilots license. They want to get ten times more cadets flying, but at the cost of the countries best scholarship. I wont be surprised if this "experiment" goes well, that they will scrap the power pilot scholarship all together, and replace it with this cheaper, easier permit option. These seem to be VERY dark days for the Air Cadet flying programs, as Steven Harper spends money on purchasing ads for things that aren't even passed by parliament yet, instead of giving the millions of dollars to support Air Cadet flying. Way to go, money pants :^P
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Why the Wii U is a Darn Flop
Ah, Nintendo. When I was a kid, I loved it. Today, I could care less. When I was young, Nintendo made amazing content. While the N64 was my first console, the GameCube was the gaming station for most of my childhood. While playing Star fox, Star Wars and many other games, I was instantly drawn into immersible stories and worlds. I also have vivid memories of playing games at parties or sleepovers with the guys as we played four player games such as Star Wars: Clone Wars. Eventually, the Wii came along and promised more "interesting experiences." This is when Nintendo lost me to Sony and my PC as a gamer. As they continued with the Wii, they lost my loving franchises such as Star Fox, Star Wars and other timeless classics. The Same is for the Wii U, but only more obvious.
Out of all the gamers I know, NONE of them own, or even talk about the Wii U. My generation doesn't really feel for it due to it continuing to lack those "core" features. Firstly, where are the games? While the Nintendo conference is VERY soon, the console launched with only a few titles, and the crew at Nintendo pulled an EA and went "silent mode" on talking about future titles. This killed sales of the Wii U due to no real value of owning one. Sure, it comes with a tablet, but my iPad can easily out perform it, and its a year older than the Wii U. In the end, Nintendo seems to be less focused in the Western market.
Nintendo, my question is WHY. Why should anyone buy your console? What makes it stand out above the new PS4 and Xbox 720? WHY should I spend money on it as a core gamer? Personally, I am going to stick with the PS4 and my upgraded PC. Hell, even my GameCube from 2002!
Gay? Transgender? Straight? We are all human! It shouldn't matter how we all identify ourselves!
Please note, this article is about mature themes. While not religious myself, I talk a lot about religion, stupid people and the like, so please bear with me.
In the end, we really are all just human.Why should it matter how one identifies themselves? Those who ban gay marriage in their place of living, yet allow guns in schools obviously have some issues, so all I am asking is why? Why are people against it? Sure, it might be "different" than normal, but what is normal? Heck, today, there are more people living single lives than married. People argue saying that it is their religion, and that god says so and you shall go to hell, etc.. Well, I have to personally say that that's bogus. If there is anyone that it is bad, it is the neigh-sayers for not accepting and seeking to understand their fellow human brother, sister or other. Why do you call someone who follows their heart 'evil' when you try to assimilate people into your "collective" like the Borg from Star Trek? Why do you encourage hate? Why not encourage love?
I personally think that humanity needs gay, transgender, etc... peoples. They add culture, and remind us that we are ALL living our own lives. They are the image of courage and following ones bliss. While I may be "straight" I have many friends that are gay or lesbian, and they really are GREAT people. It shouldn't matter how they identify themselves through this thing called "gender."
Gender is the idea of separating humanity into girls and boys. Today, we are aware that it is not so simple, or "black and white" but more of a grey spectrum with many shades between. We are ALL different, and we must learn to love our fellow humans if we want to create a better tomorrow.
In the end, we really are all just human.Why should it matter how one identifies themselves? Those who ban gay marriage in their place of living, yet allow guns in schools obviously have some issues, so all I am asking is why? Why are people against it? Sure, it might be "different" than normal, but what is normal? Heck, today, there are more people living single lives than married. People argue saying that it is their religion, and that god says so and you shall go to hell, etc.. Well, I have to personally say that that's bogus. If there is anyone that it is bad, it is the neigh-sayers for not accepting and seeking to understand their fellow human brother, sister or other. Why do you call someone who follows their heart 'evil' when you try to assimilate people into your "collective" like the Borg from Star Trek? Why do you encourage hate? Why not encourage love?
I personally think that humanity needs gay, transgender, etc... peoples. They add culture, and remind us that we are ALL living our own lives. They are the image of courage and following ones bliss. While I may be "straight" I have many friends that are gay or lesbian, and they really are GREAT people. It shouldn't matter how they identify themselves through this thing called "gender."
Gender is the idea of separating humanity into girls and boys. Today, we are aware that it is not so simple, or "black and white" but more of a grey spectrum with many shades between. We are ALL different, and we must learn to love our fellow humans if we want to create a better tomorrow.
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Drones = Debate!
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An MQ-9 Predator drone taxing. Source |
Today, drones are being used by countries around Earth, most notably the United States. While it is remarkable what they can do while not putting a human pilot's life on the line such as having the drone fly over Afghanistan while the pilot drinks coffee at home in the good 'ol USA. Drones are becoming today's keepers, but without the human element.
It is a very scary thought that these machines can have a mind of their own. Executing orders without human interaction. The loss of the human element of decision making means that it basically comes down to the numbers. When human judgement can save lives, a drone only has programming that serves as its morals. One day, the US may be in the situation when drones such as the MQ-9 predator drone (see photo above) may be authorized to patrol across the United States. It is a very scary thought that a government can have so much control with machines.
A big concern is a sense of "Battlestar Galactica Syndrome." While the machines may not start thinking for themselves, hackers can basically hack into any computer. It has already been proven that hackers can hack into, and control US drones.
While they can provide protection, drones can also become the bars of the cage that can hold the world under fear.
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Friday, 17 May 2013
Thank you: More than just words
They really are... People have gained friendships, jobs, opportunities, and so much more by using these two simple, yet effective words. However, it is not just the ability to say these words in your language, but also feel them; you mean it. With sincere gratitude comes sincere results. When you display your gratitude for a person or situation, other people notice this, and your feelings become contagious with those around you. The next time someone holds a door open for you, remember to say "thank you." The next time someone gives you a tip at work, say "thank you" and when someone you love gives you a bear hug, squeeze out the words "thank you." Be happy for what you have in your life, you deserve to be happy, and never take anything for granted.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Surrounded by Awesome People
I really am. All around, I see future doctors, pilots, writers, artists, astronauts, politicians, environmentalists and more. The world of tomorrow, here in the friends and peers of today. I am so very lucky to be surrounded by such great people. I have friends over in Ghana, saving the world to people in the Canadian forces protecting Canada and the world. I am surrounded by amazing people.
We really have to remember to take a step back and remind ourselves how lucky we are to have the special people in our lives and remember to never take them for granted. However, while realizing how amazing others our, one must remember to also be amazed by him or herself.
We really have to remember to take a step back and remind ourselves how lucky we are to have the special people in our lives and remember to never take them for granted. However, while realizing how amazing others our, one must remember to also be amazed by him or herself.
Air Cadet Gliding Program Dead?
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Flying out at CFB Borden |
A few weeks ago, I received an e-mail from my local Cadet Gliding Center that was concerned about the topic of budget cuts to the Air Cadet Gliding Program (ACGP) To my sad realization it appears that those realizations are coming true. While not confirmed yet, many do believe (including myself) that the current government is stupid enough to go through with these cuts, if not destroying the gliding program all together. Check out the multiple support groups that are everywhere, including on facebook here.
Friday, 10 May 2013
A year after prom: seeing the next generation go
It really does feel weird. My generations prom feels as if it adjust yesterday, yet here goes the next generation already! It's been hard today, for I didn't have an enjoyable experience at prom, for I never "followed my heart" and asked the girl I liked out. This is why I hope that tonight, everyone will follow their hearts. When they see that girl or guy they have feelings for, I hope they will ask them to dance, and have fun, don't make the same mistake as me, or it will be on your mind with no escape. Live your lives.
While I do feel a few feelings of lonely ness and general sad feelings, I do feel as I have grown over the past year. Through many unique experiences and learning to deal with these "odd feelings," I have had an interesting journey since my generations prom.
I guess it's better to learn this incredibly hard lesson now rather than later.
My best wishes and luck to those attending prom tonight! Remember, follow your hear, and live your life!
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Kids have too much protection today.
It really is one of those "delicate" topics to mention, yet as a 1990's baby, I can definitely vouch for that statement. In elementary schools today, Kids are no longer allowed to hug, play tag, dodge ball, show certain feelings, etc.. And this in in Canada. If is very sad how children are being put into a bubble and are no longer allowed to have certain adventures that I had with my friends when I was a kid. Even with television programming, the home environment and just society overall. It seems that people believe that putting their children into a "safer, more protective" environment will benefit then, yet I think that this is the entire opposite.
The entire idea of being a "kid" has also changed. kids today have smart phones, facebook, online games, etc... Things we NEVER had when me and my generation were in their shoes! I am only 18, but now I am starting to know the feeling my parents felt with the generation gap in technology.
We just have to remember to let kids be, well, kids! Let them get dirty in the mud, or go for adventures!
The entire idea of being a "kid" has also changed. kids today have smart phones, facebook, online games, etc... Things we NEVER had when me and my generation were in their shoes! I am only 18, but now I am starting to know the feeling my parents felt with the generation gap in technology.
We just have to remember to let kids be, well, kids! Let them get dirty in the mud, or go for adventures!
USA Needs gun control and common sense
Warning: If you are a very highly patriotic American, or love guns, please refrain from reading this article. Yes, that means you.
Above are just a few of an unlimited amount of links relating to people asking the question of "how is it possible that anyone can buy a military assault weapon." They are not used for hunting, that is what hunting rifles and bows, etc... are for. The assault style weapon is made for one use: killing people. If the USA wants to see less gun related deaths, I believe that gun control really is something the government should take more seriously instead of bickering with the NRA who says that they want to "put guns in schools..." WHAT?!
I find it VERY sad how the US senate can pass bills on banning gay rights for certain areas (I know, its only certain individual states that do it) but they say NO to banning assault style weapons, because it is their "right" to defend themselves. Well, I am sorry, but this fact is just plain stupid. Firstly, once again the assault style weapon such as an M4 Carbine is used to attack and invade countries. If you want to feel safe, how about having a better community and banning weapons used to kill people instead of ENCOURAGING everyone to have them?! Secondly, the declaration of independence in SEVERELY out of date. Mind you that it was created right after the civil war, when there were still many parts of north America overrun with wilderness. Having a weapon was helpful to survival. Today, these facts are exactly the opposite. You no longer need a weapon to survive, just go to your American Walmart or Target.
The Link above from Moms Demand Action provides some VERY powerful pictures and facts about the entire subject. All I can really say is do your research and make your own opinion. Any thoughts? Comment bellow!
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From the bellow link *Moms Demand Action" - Very powerful, and sadly true. |
Above are just a few of an unlimited amount of links relating to people asking the question of "how is it possible that anyone can buy a military assault weapon." They are not used for hunting, that is what hunting rifles and bows, etc... are for. The assault style weapon is made for one use: killing people. If the USA wants to see less gun related deaths, I believe that gun control really is something the government should take more seriously instead of bickering with the NRA who says that they want to "put guns in schools..." WHAT?!
I find it VERY sad how the US senate can pass bills on banning gay rights for certain areas (I know, its only certain individual states that do it) but they say NO to banning assault style weapons, because it is their "right" to defend themselves. Well, I am sorry, but this fact is just plain stupid. Firstly, once again the assault style weapon such as an M4 Carbine is used to attack and invade countries. If you want to feel safe, how about having a better community and banning weapons used to kill people instead of ENCOURAGING everyone to have them?! Secondly, the declaration of independence in SEVERELY out of date. Mind you that it was created right after the civil war, when there were still many parts of north America overrun with wilderness. Having a weapon was helpful to survival. Today, these facts are exactly the opposite. You no longer need a weapon to survive, just go to your American Walmart or Target.
The Link above from Moms Demand Action provides some VERY powerful pictures and facts about the entire subject. All I can really say is do your research and make your own opinion. Any thoughts? Comment bellow!
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Not allowed to play doge ball, but want to put guns in school |
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Can't have junk food, but can have guns *NRA wants to put guns in schools |
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Sometimes, we need to learn from our friends and peers
Social skills are VERY important to have, especially in today's modern technologically advanced world. yet, we must remember to get rid of the screens every now and again and return to face-to-face so we remember what the 'real' social world is. When with our friends, we can learn a lot about others, interactions with other people, problem solving and even ourselves! Friends are friends because they obviously like you back as well, and accept who you really are. Therefor, meeting and hanging out with friends shouldn't be a hassle, but it is when conflict, or asking others different questions when one starts to see the results of interaction.
What I am trying to say is remember to look at people from not just yours, but also their perspective. Use empathy before you judge someone. Accept constructive criticism and suggestions from others, but remember to pay attention to how others react in other situations. I am a 'person watcher' who likes to see how people react to situations, and I feel as if by watching others, I am more socially aware of the world around me.
What I am trying to say is remember to look at people from not just yours, but also their perspective. Use empathy before you judge someone. Accept constructive criticism and suggestions from others, but remember to pay attention to how others react in other situations. I am a 'person watcher' who likes to see how people react to situations, and I feel as if by watching others, I am more socially aware of the world around me.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Screw it, just frigging do it
Sometimes in life, there are those moments when you ask yourself "why am I not doing this" or "I want to do this, but I am just not" or "I wish I could do this idea or goal" or "I wish I could be doing this or that." Sometimes, you just have to stop thinking and just GO! Take a leap of faith, try something new and just do it!
That is my life advice for the day.. Now get off your computer (or whatever device you are on) and go do something fun that you've always wanted to do! Go skydive, start that workout or talk to that 'person' GO!!! :^D
That is my life advice for the day.. Now get off your computer (or whatever device you are on) and go do something fun that you've always wanted to do! Go skydive, start that workout or talk to that 'person' GO!!! :^D
I love my family!
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Chilling with the cousins down in Oakville |
I love my family. I am so lucky that I have such a caring, loving, diverse and adventures bunch of pals to share life with. It really is remarkable how amazing everyone is. All beautiful and unique in their own, brilliant way. From the more "elder" side of the spectrum to the "youngling" side, our family is very strong, and is full of love for each other, as well as a love for making the world a better place. From building schools in Africa, to serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, to helping the community, to raising special dogs to help the challenged, my family is a 'super family.'
They are also all very gifted. From athletes, to travelers, to those who are bilingual in French and English, and those who can speak Klingon, they are all fantastic. I am surprised every time, and I am honored by their presence, as well as smiles.They make life fun, and can make any day a sunny one.
Thanks, everyone! Rock on! ;^)
Monday, 6 May 2013
The power of a good story.
It really is amazing how a story can impact our lives. The narrative can be through a film, or book, screen play or even spoken word. It is beautiful how the translation of a series of events can be shared between human minds as a story. I feel like we take the entire process of story telling for granted. It doesn't matter if the works are fiction or non-fiction, but I feel as if it is a dying art, just like handwriting is being replaced by typing.
While there are may brilliant pieces of art still released today, the worlds media seem to just be focusing more on quantity over quality (just like the article about EA earlier). We are seeing more mindless movies about just explosions and action, combined with horrible stories and plots. I feels as if it is going to be hard to find another magical experience that truly entices the imagination of the audience. Works such as the earlier Disney movies, Star Wars, the classics, may never be seen again as new ideas.
It seems that society is becoming a thing that craves a short sense of excitement and then mindlessly wandering off, instead of having a narrative; a true experience that will blow one's mind. Short films that we will only remember for a few days and then that will be forgotten by next week instead of the films or books such as Harry Potter that has inspired an entire generation into reading, or using their imagination.
While there are may brilliant pieces of art still released today, the worlds media seem to just be focusing more on quantity over quality (just like the article about EA earlier). We are seeing more mindless movies about just explosions and action, combined with horrible stories and plots. I feels as if it is going to be hard to find another magical experience that truly entices the imagination of the audience. Works such as the earlier Disney movies, Star Wars, the classics, may never be seen again as new ideas.
It seems that society is becoming a thing that craves a short sense of excitement and then mindlessly wandering off, instead of having a narrative; a true experience that will blow one's mind. Short films that we will only remember for a few days and then that will be forgotten by next week instead of the films or books such as Harry Potter that has inspired an entire generation into reading, or using their imagination.
The Road to becoming a famous Youtuber - 1
This year, I am finally starting my goal of creating a successful Youtube brand, and learning to master the basics of the industry. For the name of the channel, I wound up choosing "Supersonicclank." The username that I created around 2009 for my first time playing Battlefield 2 online.
While I am still working on most of the admin, art and paperwork side of things, I am, however, pleased to announced that the main focus will be on gaming, tutorials and a few other snippets. A VLOG channel may be started down the line, but I've always wanted to do one!
I will share more updates as they come, but I can forward you to the new beta of supersonicclank.weebly.com to get a more clearer understanding of what's going on! Cheers!
While I am still working on most of the admin, art and paperwork side of things, I am, however, pleased to announced that the main focus will be on gaming, tutorials and a few other snippets. A VLOG channel may be started down the line, but I've always wanted to do one!
I will share more updates as they come, but I can forward you to the new beta of supersonicclank.weebly.com to get a more clearer understanding of what's going on! Cheers!
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