Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Sometimes, we need to learn from our friends and peers

Social skills are VERY important to have, especially in today's modern technologically advanced world. yet, we must remember to get rid of the screens every now and again and return to face-to-face so we remember what the 'real' social world is. When with our friends, we can learn a lot about others, interactions with other people, problem solving and even ourselves! Friends are friends because they obviously like you back as well, and accept who you really are. Therefor, meeting and hanging out with friends shouldn't be a hassle, but it is when conflict, or asking others different questions when one starts to see the results of interaction.

What I am trying to say is remember to look at people from not just yours, but also their perspective. Use empathy before you judge someone. Accept constructive criticism and suggestions from others, but remember to pay attention to how others react in other situations. I am a 'person watcher' who likes to see how people react to situations, and I feel as if by watching others, I am more socially aware of the world around me.

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