Please note, this article is about mature themes. While not religious myself, I talk a lot about religion, stupid people and the like, so please bear with me.
In the end, we really are all just human.Why should it matter how one identifies themselves? Those who ban gay marriage in their place of living, yet allow guns in schools obviously have some issues, so all I am asking is why? Why are people against it? Sure, it might be "different" than normal, but what is normal? Heck, today, there are more people living single lives than married. People argue saying that it is their religion, and that god says so and you shall go to hell, etc.. Well, I have to personally say that that's bogus. If there is anyone that it is bad, it is the neigh-sayers for not accepting and seeking to understand their fellow human brother, sister or other. Why do you call someone who follows their heart 'evil' when you try to assimilate people into your "collective" like the Borg from Star Trek? Why do you encourage hate? Why not encourage love?
I personally think that humanity needs gay, transgender, etc... peoples. They add culture, and remind us that we are ALL living our own lives. They are the image of courage and following ones bliss. While I may be "straight" I have many friends that are gay or lesbian, and they really are GREAT people. It shouldn't matter how they identify themselves through this thing called "gender."
Gender is the idea of separating humanity into girls and boys. Today, we are aware that it is not so simple, or "black and white" but more of a grey spectrum with many shades between. We are ALL different, and we must learn to love our fellow humans if we want to create a better tomorrow.
I couldn't agree more Henry! We (humans) are ruled by fear - of that which we don't understand and control - that which we can't fit into a tidy little category or label. The world is changing though -- opening up to make room for all, and learning to celebrate that which makes us unique and special. Celebrate and embrace the love!