For a scholarship last month, I entered a contest for a scholarship. The rules were simple: Write to your younger self about if you could do it all again, what would you change? Here is my entry:
If I could do it over again (through the magical Student Awards Time
Machine), I would tell my younger self that it is OK to fail.
Life is
meant to be enjoyed, so have fun. Don’t be living a life of fear in
feeling that if you try something and you don’t succeed, you are a
failure. This is not true. Life is about making mistakes and learning
from them. If you don't succeed the first time, its OK! Try again, and
again until you get it, alright?
You failed to get into the Air Cadet
Glider camp TWICE, but the third time, you didn't get in again, but you
got a special scholarship to York Soaring because you are such an
amazing person! This also goes for asking "you-know-who" out to prom.
Now being in a victory lap, it my greatest regret not asking her out.
Just be yourself and ASK! It's OK if you fail, at least you tried and
gave it your best shot! At least you KNOW.
You can only live
your life once, alright, buddy. I want you to enjoy it to the max, so
its OK to take risks with a possible outcome of failure. Imagine if Neil
Armstrong never went to the moon because he was afraid of the mission
failing! (which was a major possibility)
Never give up on your dreams,
Henry. Never say no to them, just live your life.
With love from your future self,
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