Me and Justin after a very interesting conversation in Barrie, 2012. |
I am truly happy that
Justin Trudeau has achieved the role of being the new Liberal party's leader. I remember when he first started his campaign in the later stages of 2012. He visited many communities around Canada, and I was fortunate that he visited mine. just a three minute drive from my home, Justin stopped in at a local restaurant to give his people a speech, as well as promoting his campaign. I never felt so empowered by an individual before. One can watch speeches on television and in films, but when you have a Trudeau in the room, you emotional state changes with a surge of excitement and dedication to change. Possibly the most memorable part of his speech was when he talked about being a Canadian. Something that I really loved he mentioned was Vimy Ridge, the WWI battle when Canada first fought as one as all four Canadian divisions held their ground and took the ridge. Justin explained that this is when he believed, Canada became united as a country. This, I absolutely agreed with.
I shook his hand and looked into his eyes, and for that brief few moments, when we hugged, I felt that true connection. I am proud to be a Canadian, and as a young man, I support him with his new leadership role, and hope when elections roll around, that I shook the hand of the future prime minister of Canada.
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