Monday, 8 April 2013

The fun little things in life...

If your in a bad mood, always look for the amazing little things in life! Here are a few to get you started:

  1. You have a computer / source to read this in the first place! AWESOME!
  2. Out of the billions of stars, solar systems, etc... Earth is PERFECT for life! Live life!
  3. You have been given this life with FREEDOM. Live your dreams!
  4. You have a HEALTHY mind to be reading this right now!
  5.  You HAVE food, water and atmosphere!
  6. You can LOVE who you are, and others as you see fit!
  7. You have a beautiful IMAGINATION that can create anything! 
  8. You are BEAUTIFUL! 
  9. Your hearts beats for you UNCONDITIONALLY every beat, it loves you. love it too!
  10. You have this LIFE!

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