Saturday, 22 June 2013

The human heart is very confusing (Part 2 of 2) closure

It feels nice to have closure, 
to have been able to talk to you,
for us to be able to both share our feelings,
on a wonderful walk with me and you.

Both of us spoke many words and stories,
no tears shed, just honest opinions and thoughts on relationships and life,
too much going on then and needed rest,
fine a while ago but now off to university and life and the known of the unknown.

No more thinking what-ifs,
I can move on and let you live you life,
find my own path,
you go to the sun.

Thank you for being an amazing friend,
we will always be,
see you around,
My feelings can now go as I move on with closure, to the dawn of tomorrow.  

Friday, 21 June 2013

Done Highschool forever! AGAIN!

Well, the victory lap is finally over. While the first half was for Physics and Comm tech courses, the second semester was an easy Leadership and Writers Craft kind of time. While I may not miss the courses themselves, I will miss the regular outings with friends and what not. Haha, I guess I will be seeing them more often over the summer, though! :^D

It was worth it taking a victory lap, ESCECIALLY meeting some awesome people and making some good memories. Although I have to say, I am finally glad that school is done once again. Time to move onto greater things. Good bye, Innisdale... Again!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Leap of Faith

Sometimes, there comes an event in our lives that we just have to leap into and have trust in yourself. A very large aspect of this "leap of faith" philosophy right now in my life is asking a special girl out. I'm not going to go into any detail due to respect of privacy, (and common sense) but I just want to say that I have learned in the past to always follow your heart and at least TRY, or else you will be plagued with regret and the "what-ifs". If it will be a yes or a no, I am unsure, but never being in a relationship before, either way it is going to be a "learning curve" and a fun experience. At this point in time, I really don't mind if it a yes or no. I just want to know the answer so I can move on with my life. Honesty is key. She is a smart, beautiful, fun and mature woman, and I know we will be great friends either way, so as one famous doctor once said... "Allons-y!"

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Glass

I dropped a fragile glass, that has shattered into a million pieces.

I feel injured from it, both from the pain of such a beautiful glass being destroyed, as well as the shards scarring my foot.

Did I take the glass for granted, or was this the way that things are suppose to be? Am worthy of such a glass being in my hands in the first place?

I may never know, for the glass lays cold, and broken on the ground. My heart shattered into a million million pieces.

The human heart is very confusing (Part 1 of 2) Before

I see you with my eyes, yet feel you with my heart,
The emotions that describe you cannot become words,
for if they did, they would not be able to describe you,
because there are no words to describe how brilliant you truly are.

I first met you a while back, shy and new in my life,
A flame newly lit,
yet still burning,
Was this love? Then, I just never knew.

Over time, the sands eroded the confusion and showed the truth,
I fell in love with you,
all of you,
the good of all that was and remains to be you.

There you were in my life every day,
the reason I went to events was to be with you even it was for a few seconds,
it was worth every second,
I love you.

The question remained though,
do you love me too?
We've spent so much time together telling stories and I have gotten to know you,
and you gotten to know me.

Do you share the same feelings?
I really cannot tell,
Are these hangouts and smiles genuine,
Or are you with another one of the guys?

I work so hard, yet none at all,
I should reveal my feelings,
yet past mistakes raise the stakes,
the grueling feeling of failure.

I want to ask you out so much,
yet will thou say yea or neh?
My friends and yours support me,
but is there another player in the Frey?

I don't want to hurt you,
did I ever before? 
I want this friendship to last forever,
so could it be more?

Only honesty will tell, let the game come to the end,
I want to say what I have to say, and  let you listen like you always do,
so let us go for a walk,
the human heart is confusing.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Stories and advice from a Submarine Commander (to me)

Sometimes, we find advice and knowledge in ways we do not necessarily expect. One night at work, I found this very scenario to be the case. When I worked at my workplace before as a seasonal, there was a nice, yet firm gentlemen who told me to get "out of this workplace" I often wondered why. Of course, I wasn't going to work there forever, I just needed money for my first year of post-secondary school and of course, the teenage lifestyle. However, a few nights ago, I learned why he gave the advice, and the heart behind the story.

He was a lot like me when he was in his youth. Yet instead of being in cadets, he was in the reserves at the age of only 17. He wanted to be a submarine Commander, this was his goal in life. After trying to get into RMC (he couldn't get in because of math, I have the same problems with numbers as he does) He did direct entry into the Canadian Navy. With the Cold War being at its height in the 80's, it seemed as if he were to get action soon. He was very close to becoming an officer until he quit the Navy to be with his new girlfriend. (she left him after a little while) After being heartbroken by his sweetheart, he couldn't return to the Navy for other reasons and so he got into retail. This is when he joined the company I work at many, many years ago, and has remained since to support mortgage, family and life.

It really is a sad story to hear. One losing their dreams and not being able to follow their path throughout life. Quitting the Navy is a choice he regrets to this day, and tries his damn hardest to make sure no one makes the same mistake. "Focus" is the word he used when describing me his story. Focus on your goals and dreams. He loved that I am taking Aviation Management, due to  the area of business where I can start my own company and follow my bliss.  He knew that I was an Air Cadet for 7 years and believes I have shown leadership skills and aptitude for following my heart and achieving my goals. I feel happy to know that he is starting to follow his own new path of the arts and self-expression. But I am internally grateful for the gift that he reminded me about: focus.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Cadets - My Journey

This past week, I saw my old cadet squadron's annual parade, and then my friends sea cadet annual.   Looking back, I feel so amazed with what I accomplished with joining Air Cadets. I am happy and grateful for all seven and a half years, all of the good times with the memories they brought, and the bad times that helped me grow as a person.

It was a hard decision to leave cadets, especially early (long story) but it was something that I had to do. All the friends made, adventures that were had and goals achieved, it was a remarkable journey that I wish everyone I know could experience, especially the sense of comradery.

There are a few things I wish I could do over, but at the same time, I am proud of the path I made, and skills I've learned. With their motto of "To learn, To serve and to Advance" I think that I really did get all three pieces of the pie!

Probably the largest achievement that I had while in the program was achieving my goal of my PPL (Private Pilots License) but probably the most important thing I did was earn the respect of not only my entire squadron, but all of the people I had met throughout the entire cadet experience.

Where I will be heading next is still unclear, but the roads I have already traveled have revealed a path leading to great people, adventures and dreams that I could only hope to imagine.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Privacy Please

Online privacy has always been an issue, but recently it has been on the front pages of most news sources. With the United States’ top secret internet division exposed and multiple American companies being part of PRISM, and even the government being allowed to look at ones desktop, one may ask if there is there even such thing as privacy anymore?

From being children, we all understand that what happens on the internet stays on the internet, so we try to use common sense and avoid doing stupid things on facebook or Twitter, etc.. However, when the government is allowed to track your phone records, personal e-mails, texts, photos, calendars and uses on devices you bought from Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc… It is all getting out of hand.

While governments say that it is for “protection” it seems that this is no longer the case. Now, it seems that governments just want to watch their own people instead of real problems such as terrorism and hate crimes. If the government really cared about these negative topics, they would create filters, ASK people to use info, and actually follow their own charter of rights and freedoms! Be transparent and let the public have a choice! THEY are the ones who have elected YOU in! Without THE PUBLIC you don't have a job!

I feel concerned how much technology is becoming part of living, and how many people continue to remain oblivious to the privacy crisis currently at hand. If this is the shape of “privacy” now, what will governments do in ten, or even five? Any thoughts? Add your comments bellow.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

A blog post about blogging...

Blogging really is amazing, isn't it? I mean, ten years ago, the only real things you could do were write in a journal, send your news to the TV stations or news papers or even just pass a message along peer-to-peer, but the progression of the internet (in the case, the evolution of blogging) has changed this all completely! 

Blogging is a great way to vent, keep a journal, become a journalist, share stories, etc... and technically its free! (well, blogger anyways)

I am so very happy and grateful I started blogging, for it is great for ones writing skills, and keeps me thinking and on my feet. The best part is that I don't feel "forced" into doing it, but instead, I actually enjoy it when I can add an entry. 

If you have EVER thought of blogging, just give it a go! Why not? Who knows, you might even become an addict like me! ;^)



Thursday, 6 June 2013

E3 Coming!

Wow, one more week until the world's largest video game conference! Woot! I have a few ideas of what I want to see, but the surprises are always the best! (If they are positive for the players) Here are a few of the things I am looking forward to:

  1. PS4 System: I REALLY want to see what the new system looks like, but also how Sony will incorporate other elements such as the new controller and Playstation eye, cell phones, tablets, etc... Its going to be good!
  2. Used game problems: I just want all of the large corporations to be honest about the next generation of used games. Obviously, there are probably going to be some consequences on the used game industry, it just matters how severe. I really just want them to be honest and come out and say what they have to say without any B.S.
  3. Star Fox: Nintendo, if you want me back after so many bad years for me, announce a damn Star Fox game already and stop with the continuous Mario and Zelda games! Oh, wait, too late, here comes another Mario :^P
  4. GOOD Games: Obviously, I want to be blown away by the next gen games. Not just amazing graphics, but as well as revolutionary stories and game play. There is so much hype, I just hope that this is all for nothing,