Thursday, 6 June 2013

E3 Coming!

Wow, one more week until the world's largest video game conference! Woot! I have a few ideas of what I want to see, but the surprises are always the best! (If they are positive for the players) Here are a few of the things I am looking forward to:

  1. PS4 System: I REALLY want to see what the new system looks like, but also how Sony will incorporate other elements such as the new controller and Playstation eye, cell phones, tablets, etc... Its going to be good!
  2. Used game problems: I just want all of the large corporations to be honest about the next generation of used games. Obviously, there are probably going to be some consequences on the used game industry, it just matters how severe. I really just want them to be honest and come out and say what they have to say without any B.S.
  3. Star Fox: Nintendo, if you want me back after so many bad years for me, announce a damn Star Fox game already and stop with the continuous Mario and Zelda games! Oh, wait, too late, here comes another Mario :^P
  4. GOOD Games: Obviously, I want to be blown away by the next gen games. Not just amazing graphics, but as well as revolutionary stories and game play. There is so much hype, I just hope that this is all for nothing,

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