Monday, 10 June 2013

Privacy Please

Online privacy has always been an issue, but recently it has been on the front pages of most news sources. With the United States’ top secret internet division exposed and multiple American companies being part of PRISM, and even the government being allowed to look at ones desktop, one may ask if there is there even such thing as privacy anymore?

From being children, we all understand that what happens on the internet stays on the internet, so we try to use common sense and avoid doing stupid things on facebook or Twitter, etc.. However, when the government is allowed to track your phone records, personal e-mails, texts, photos, calendars and uses on devices you bought from Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc… It is all getting out of hand.

While governments say that it is for “protection” it seems that this is no longer the case. Now, it seems that governments just want to watch their own people instead of real problems such as terrorism and hate crimes. If the government really cared about these negative topics, they would create filters, ASK people to use info, and actually follow their own charter of rights and freedoms! Be transparent and let the public have a choice! THEY are the ones who have elected YOU in! Without THE PUBLIC you don't have a job!

I feel concerned how much technology is becoming part of living, and how many people continue to remain oblivious to the privacy crisis currently at hand. If this is the shape of “privacy” now, what will governments do in ten, or even five? Any thoughts? Add your comments bellow.

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