Monday, 17 June 2013

Stories and advice from a Submarine Commander (to me)

Sometimes, we find advice and knowledge in ways we do not necessarily expect. One night at work, I found this very scenario to be the case. When I worked at my workplace before as a seasonal, there was a nice, yet firm gentlemen who told me to get "out of this workplace" I often wondered why. Of course, I wasn't going to work there forever, I just needed money for my first year of post-secondary school and of course, the teenage lifestyle. However, a few nights ago, I learned why he gave the advice, and the heart behind the story.

He was a lot like me when he was in his youth. Yet instead of being in cadets, he was in the reserves at the age of only 17. He wanted to be a submarine Commander, this was his goal in life. After trying to get into RMC (he couldn't get in because of math, I have the same problems with numbers as he does) He did direct entry into the Canadian Navy. With the Cold War being at its height in the 80's, it seemed as if he were to get action soon. He was very close to becoming an officer until he quit the Navy to be with his new girlfriend. (she left him after a little while) After being heartbroken by his sweetheart, he couldn't return to the Navy for other reasons and so he got into retail. This is when he joined the company I work at many, many years ago, and has remained since to support mortgage, family and life.

It really is a sad story to hear. One losing their dreams and not being able to follow their path throughout life. Quitting the Navy is a choice he regrets to this day, and tries his damn hardest to make sure no one makes the same mistake. "Focus" is the word he used when describing me his story. Focus on your goals and dreams. He loved that I am taking Aviation Management, due to  the area of business where I can start my own company and follow my bliss.  He knew that I was an Air Cadet for 7 years and believes I have shown leadership skills and aptitude for following my heart and achieving my goals. I feel happy to know that he is starting to follow his own new path of the arts and self-expression. But I am internally grateful for the gift that he reminded me about: focus.

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