Tuesday 16 April 2013

The Many Wonderful Perks of Being Single

If you want to date me, please refrain from reading this blog ;^)
Hmm, Single while everyone else has a partner? Don't sweat it! (Pic by me)

Yes, I know, it's shocking. Perks of being single? What? Why? Well, for a long time, I've been moaning and groaning on both the past and the present about relationships and how they look so awesome, and I've wanted to experience one and all that. I finally took a step back and took a look at my situation. One day (hopefully) I will find that first true love person, and everything will sort its self out. Until then, guess what? i'm single. So why be sad about the cards your dealt? Sometimes, you just have to suck it up and 'deal' with it (Card pun, tee hee) So I looked at all the perks of being single, and it made life a little easier for me.

  1. You can hang out with whoever you want: Since I don't have a girlfriend, I can hangout with any girl or guy I want without being questioned about 'loyalty.' I'm honestly an honest person, but I can live without all that drama of being 'taken.'
  2. You still have Money: They say having another half is healthy for your soul, but disastrous for your pocket book. After every holiday, birthday etc... I've had friend groaning because they are spending so much money taking their boyfriend or girlfriend out. Luckily  I don't have to worry about it, and can save money for university, flying and single, anti-social things. 
  3. Dreams of 'that' person: Since I'm single, I don't know what my future will be like! Will i meet someone in a coffee shop? In an airport? On the moon? Who knows! I can have hope of meeting that 'right' person to be with. 
  4. Me time: While it can sometimes feel like a curse, having a lot of 'me' time feels great. You can sit, read, write, run and many other things whenever your life dictates, and you are free to do so instead of having to look after another person. 
  5. Maturity: While dating seems to be apart of growing up, luckily  I've missed most of the drama and heartbreak that comes with 'young love.' Even if I have NEVER been in a relationship, I am always the friend who is counselling others about their relationships. I feel as if I have learned a LOT from being on the outside, and feel more mature about it.
  6. Closer to friends: Without that other force in your life tearing you away, you can spend more times with friends! While it may feel like your stuck in the friend zones of all the girls you know, it still feels nice to be able to get close to everyone when being single. 
  7. Personal development: This should be your top priority regardless of your relationship status, but being single means that you really only have one person to worry about: YOU!
  8. Live your life: You have no tie downs! Let your wings soar! 

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